Signs Following Unveils Music Video for “Cicada”

cover art for signs following single cicada

The video follows the band’s recent release of their fourth single, ‘Copperhead,’ on June 7th, with their debut record set for later this year.

Set on the edge of where the woods meet a field of tall meadow grasses with wildflowers poking up all around, Signs Following’s new music video perfectly captures the mood of their latest single, “Cicada.”

The band members walk through a mowed path and set up their instruments in the soft, evening summer light.

Like their other singles, “Cicada” features lyrical allusions to nature and calls to the wilderness. Multiple full-frame shots of wildflowers, butterflies, and the meadow with its wooded background enhance the song’s organic feel.

In a post announcing the video, the band said, “‘Cicada’ felt like a once-in-a-lifetime song when we first wrote it. It appeared out of nowhere before any other songs had been written and came together fully formed within a few hours. I hope listening to the song can make you feel a little of the magic we felt that day.”

The video was directed by Tori Vintzel, who has also contributed the artwork for each of the band’s released singles. The video features performances from Joshua Mays, Kari Mays, and Ben Johnson.

Signs Following “Cicada” (Official Music Video)

Signs Following began as the solo project of Joshua Mays but evolved into a collaborative endeavor with contributions from many artists in the Chattanooga community. The core members of the band are Joshua Mays, Ben Johnson, Monica Wright, and John Hooker.

Signs Following debut show

The band will make their live debut on Friday, September 13 at Yellow Racket Records. They share the lineup with MULT, Golden Blend, and headliner Sinai Vessel, who will be celebrating the release of his forthcoming record I Sing.

You can buy tickets here.

Check out our previous posts on the other singles from Signs Following: “Coyote,” “Cicada,” and “The Last Great Mystery.”

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